Monday, March 23, 2009

Hands from the Qualifer

Pulled the hand histories from Qualifier last week and thought I'd share a couple:

This was the 13th hand of the tourney:

Road the 7k down to about 5k, really didn't play any hands and on hand 170 of the tourney I got Q4 in the BB:

One of the biggest hands of the tourney, hand 194. The guy with the Jacks ripped me for over 45 mins after this. He ends up finishing 12th, in the money but short of the Main Event... My thinking was if I hit a monster, which I did, I could double through him. If I bricked, I could dump it and still be around 5k

Up and Down, was down as low as 8k. Grinded back up with a couple all-ins and was sitting just under 13k when this hand came up (Hand 287). Lilttle history with this guy, he'd been pushing a lot of chips and not showing any big hands. Not the best call with AQ but went with my gut. Was one of those "I guess this is" moments...

Another HUGE hand... Dealt KK, I seem to always lose with KK. This time it held and I was up to 65K! (Hand 317)

Not a huge hand, but after this I was up over 76k, my high water mark. With the blinds and Antes, winning them was a nice, $7,300... (Hand 347)

The rest of the tourney was pretty much uneventful... There were a total of 390 hands. I pretty much stole a couple blinds after the hand above, laid down 8s when I raised in position and someone pushed and also laid down AK when two others were all in. The last hand of the tourney was on the other table, TT pushed UTG and the BB called with AJc, they were all in preflop and the flop came with two clubs. A club on the turn sealed it...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

2009 WSOP....

here I come. Played in a $24+2 token sat on FT last night and ended up getting a $75 token. About that time a $75 sat into the $500 Sunday Main Event Qualifier was kicking off. In that sat the top 3 got a seat into the $500 tourney and I ended up winning that one.

So this afternoon the tourney started at 4:30est. There were 253 players and the top 10 won a seat (12k, 10k for the seat and 2k for travel/hotel). Right out of the gate, 14 hands in I picked up 33 in the BB. We started with 3k in chips I was up to 3300. After a flop of 234 I checked and the small stack with 900 pushed, the next guy called and I pushed all in. It was back to the guy who called the 900 and he called my all in. The board bricked out and I KO'd both of them and was up to 7k right from the start. I went up and down and ended up winning a seat.

Now the wait, 109 days before it starts. I'll be counting the days.